Set against a backdrop
of rural America in the late 1950s, Walker Payne
examines one man’s desperate attempt to hold on to his
children at any cost. Unemployed and recently paroled,
the only bright spots in Walker’s (Jason Patric) life
are his two girls and loyal pit bull, “Brute.” When
circumstances lead this flawed hero to exploit his
canine companion for money, Walker risks losing
everything he cares about for a chance at having the
life for which he longs.
Filming took place in
South Carolina and Ohio. Pictured below is the film crew
preparing to shoot in a coal mine strip in New
Springfield, Ohio. Filming was completed in July 2005.

Due to the controversial and intense animal action
required, American Humane became involved with this
production early on. A Certified Animal Safety Rep
helped select the full- and mixed-breed pit bulls and
American bulldogs used in the film and witnessed their
training and preparation for the simulated fight
sequences. Walker Payne in no way glorifies this savage
“sport”, and in fact, writer/director Matt Williams
says, “Dog fighting is vicious, cruel and,
unfortunately, is still practiced throughout this
country and many parts of the world. I intended this
film to be a blatant condemnation of a barbaric sport
that has been deemed a felony in all 50 states. It is
the controlling metaphor of the film.”
During the initial training, dogs were first introduced
to each other on leash to test compatibility for play
action that would eventually appear on screen as
fighting behavior. If any signs of aggression or
forceful domination occurred, such dogs were separated
and considered incompatible. Dogs that played easily
together were allowed to play and wrestle on and off
leash in a plywood pen for just a few minutes and were
then separated so they would be eager to play together
in the future. Behavioral training soon followed, with
the dogs learning to go from one mark on the ground to
another and to “speak” and back up on cue. They then
advanced to more elaborate tricks, such as jumping
through an open-window obstacle and onto a car hood.
"While 'Payne' offers a compelling performance by Sam
Shepard, who seems to become a more iconic cinematic presence with each passing
year, the film lacks the thematic resonance necessary to help audiences get past
its unsavory subject matter...
Only Shepard as the quietly ominous Syrus truly compels. Wearing his tightly
tailored suits and speaking in his high reedy voice, the actor cuts a quietly
Mephistophelean figure who seems the very essence of American capitalism at its
worst." - Frank Scheck, Hollywood Reporter
"Sam Shepard (who has a singing debut a la O Brother, Where Art Thou?) is
brilliant as the sleazy hustler from Florida who convinces Walker to fight his
beloved dog." - Spin and Stir
Shepard steals the film and Patric holds his own, while the rest of the cast
fails to find depth, making their characters too familiar to care about."
- Dan Mecca, Poughkeepsie Journal
"Looking better than ever—wrinkles etched all over his legendary face—the
playwright-actor delivers one of his most elemental performances. Dressed in a
too-tight suit and snakeskin boots, Shepard plays the classic “stranger comes to
town,” a con artist who chews on his scams like they’re plugs of tobacco. He’s
more Pan than hustler, a trickster who starts a nasty world of trouble, and
generates the film's one unforgettable shot: Standing on the pitcher’s mound of
a small town’s empty baseball field, Shepard shuffles his boots in the dirt and
stares up into the dirty stadium lights, tuning that deep, Western-loving voice
to the primal rhythm of some old soulful hymn. As that sinner who can’t help but
sing, Shepard—in this one beautiful scene, at least—stands straight and skinny
as a kind of prototypical American man, crooked to the core but practically
regal." - Logan Hill, New York Metro
"Sam Shepard is brilliant as Syrus, a sharp-dressed,
gospel-singin' and monumentally dubious character who drags Walker and his
beloved pit bull into the clandestine dog-fighting world across the state line
in Kentucky. Shepard is much better at this kind of American Satan role -- at
times he seems to be channeling Robert Mitchum's classic turn in 'Night of the
Hunter'" - Andrew O'Hehir, Salon magazine
"Given that Patric pulls off a surprisingly mellow and
likeable acting job here, and Shepard is willing to ham it up as much as
possible to liven up the proceedings (going so far as to sing a couple
not-half-bad old folk songs), Walker Payne had some definite possibilities."
- Chris Barsanti,
"Patric and Shepard are exceptional in their respective
roles, but the characters they play are such thin, formulaic personalities, it
never matters how well they are portrayed. The one thing in which the film
excels at is depicting realistic-looking dog fights. The animals truly look like
they're getting ripped apart. If any fans of the sport do end up seeing Walker
Payne, they at least will be impressed and satisfied." - Christopher
Campbell, Blogging Sundance/Cinematical