Overall the film failed at the
box office despite a stunning cast.
Stella Papamichael, BBC:
"Only Sam Shepard conveys a modicum of sincerity playing Dr Lloyd's quietly
concerned father."
Mike Beharrell, UK's Newbury Today:
"The most relaxed and natural
person in the whole thing is Sam Shepard, playing Thurman’s old Dad in a
homespun, 'I’m thinking of the money’ kind of way."
Screen Goblin:
"Some of the most heart warming scenes feature Uma playing against screen legend
Sam Shepard who plays Wilder, Dr Emily Lloyd’s father."
Rich Cline, Shadows on the Wall:
She (Thurman) does manage to generate some spiky chemistry with Morgan,
which is all that sustains the film, really. He's quite engaging in the scruffy,
"wrong man" role, and contrasts well against the effortlessly smooth Firth, who
actually manages to redeem his character in the end. Star-powered supporting
players like Shepard, Rossellini and Adams fill the edges nicely.
What "The Accidental Husband" lacks is that “spark” in the script as it is
translated to the screen. There’s a great idea here, but something about the
dialogue just doesn’t come across as funny, and this is much too light-hearted
of a film to be a drama. The problem isn’t with the actors, as they are all
